Money makes the world go 'round. But, it also turns nice gestures into selfish endeavors. Therefore, I prefer the favor system.
Some examples.
My friend Buba, and others from West Africa, make a type of green about three-four times a day. And everytime they make it they share with others. So much so that it might make sense to start selling cups of tea; something that is done in the capital. But Buba and the others just give it away free. I frequent these afternoon tea sessions so I feel its a nice gesture to give something back in return. So, whenever I go to the capital I try to pickup a package of tea or some vegetables that they can't find here in Pedra Badejo. Just so I don't feel like a mooch. And the other day I was over at Buba's house, watching a soccer match, and apparently it was dinner time. So, I ate. Good stuff, too.
And this system, I see as more humane than our current. Creating more personal relationships rather than dealing with money, an object that doesn't allow for exceptions or delays. I guess it is similar to the idea of time banking, which I don't know much about. But it just seems more human to exchange something, with more behind it (someone makes the tea, travel to the capital to buy tea), that creates an even greater bond of friendship, rather than money changing hands.
Money keeps us strangers, makes us distance ourselves from others. Favors build friends. Favors imply trust. Money doesn't. Favors are the future. And, I'm done.
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